Technical Details
Learning & Mastering ToolBook Instructor 6.5
Support Page
Technical Details: Windows NT Problem
There is one midi sound file in the training that does not play on newer NT
The solution to the problem is to perform either of the following:
Option 1. Manually turn off Midi sound capability in the training.
This will turn off all Midi for the training. Midi is used in the training to add
a bit of "flavor" and provide sound effects during the demos. No content
will be missed with Midi sound turned off.
To do this, access the control panel from the button with the up arrow at the bottom of
your screen. Choose "Off" for the Midi sound settings.
Option 2. Install the System Book Patch
This replaces the one bad midi file and allows all other Midi files to still be heard.
To do this, download the file and run the installation program.
Explanation of the patch:
The patch replaces platliba.sbk with a newer version.
This newer version contains code that performs the following steps:
- Attempts to open a clip that references the bad media file at enterApplication.
- If it can open it, then no problem, and everything stays the same. If it cannot
open it, then it continues on through the rest of the steps.
- Deletes the 2 clips that reference the bad midi file.
- Copies in 2 clips from the system book that reference another (good) file on the CD
- Checks to see if it can play one of these new clips. If so, the problem is solved!
If not, then the user's machine must not support midi, and a message saying
"Please load the midi driver at your earliest convenience in order to hear all sounds
in this training." Also, book level properties are set to indicate that midi is
not available.
Here is the actual script segment from the enterApplication handler for your reference.
if requiresMIDI of s_currentBook = TRUE
clear sysError
mmOpen clip "sound1"
if sysError <> null
mmClose clip "sound1"
remove resource clip "sound1"
copy resource clip "sound1" of self to this book
remove resource clip "sound2"
copy resource clip "sound2" of self to this book
clear sysError
mmOpen clip "sound1"
if sysError <> null
canUseMIDI of s_currentBook = false
usingMIDI of s_currentBook = false
if messageMIDI of s_currentBook <> null
request messageMIDI of s_currentBook
request "Please load [cut for space]"
end if
mmClose clip "sound1"
canUseMIDI of s_currentBook = true
if usingMIDI of s_currentBook = null
usingMIDI of s_currentBook = true
end if
end if
mmClose clip "sound1"
canUseMIDI of s_currentBook = true
if usingMIDI of s_currentBook = null
usingMIDI of s_currentBook = true
end if
end if
end if