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ToolBook Translation System (Upgrade from Version 2)

Store (and restore) ALL content from your ToolBook application in an Access database. Use ToolBook Translation System (TTS) to swap field text (including formatting), button captions, question feedback, captions and body text of Text Pane catalog objects, text of Marquee, Shadowed Text Field, and Bullet catalog objects, and user properties, all based on language or another criteria such as reading level. It will even restore hotword hyperlinks and action sequences. TTS will even let you set different object positions and fonts by language. It will notify you and even fix problems like unnamed objects or ones with duplicate names. Change database sources "on the fly" if deploying natively or just build for a particular source and then publish to the web. Streamline Development: Manage your content within the database and "rebuild" your book whenever content needs to be updated. Includes one copy of the Translator application.

More Information

Your Price: $335.00
Model Number: TC10
Delivery Choices:  Web Download ($0), US Mail ($4), Fedex 2-day ($20), or Fedex Overnight ($32)