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Plug-In Pro 11.5 (Full Version)
With over 140 utilities, editors, and short-cuts, the Platte Canyon® Plug-In Pro is the ToolBook® developer’s best friend. Version 11.5 fully supports ToolBook 11.5 and has the ability to import and export PNG, GIF, JPG, BMP, WMF, and EMF files. You can choose to import or export only particular image types. For example, you might want to replace all your BMP resources with .PNG equivalents. You can use the Plug-In Pro to export only the BMP format bitmap resources to external files. Then overwrite them with .PNG equivalents and the use the Plug-In Pro to replace all those resources with the PNG ones. You can also find which objects are using particular resources, again by image type. Version 11.5 also has great tools to create image objects and populate them with external graphic files, the ability to copy actions between objects (even from different books!), merge pages to different backgrounds, and much more!
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