Editing Summary Feedback


Access this tool from the Question palette, or from a custom palette or custom menu that you have configured with the Question - Summary Feedback Array tool.


Use this tool to open the array editor for the ASYM_WID_summaryFeedback property of a selected question . This is the equivalent of viewing object properties using the ToolBook menu combination View -> Browsers -> Property/Ctrl+F4 and then ctrl-clicking on the ASYM_WID_summaryFeedback property in the property viewer.


The array editor lets you directly access and set properties that comprise the feedback. Note that directly editing question properties is an advanced feature and should only be done if you understand the feedback array.




The ToolBook array editor lets you work with two dimensional arrays. Click the "View by" settings to switch from viewing by dimension 1 or dimension 2. Change the numbers in "Select value at:" to access a particular cell. Use the editor at the top to change the cell's value.