Compacting Your Book
The Compact tool is available from the Book palette or from a custom palette or custom menu that you have configured with one of the Compact tools: Compact - Optimized - No Prompt Compact - Not Optimized - No Prompt Compact - Not Optimized - Prompt Compact - Optimized - Prompt |
Selecting any of the Compact tools or selecting Compact Book from the Platte Menu saves your book as [name of your book]^ and then saves it back again to its original name. You can use this to back up your work and to compact the ToolBook file to its smallest size.
Unless you change the compact directory for your book, the Save As (^) version is saved in the same directory as your book.
There are four different Compact buttons available to add to a custom palette. These options allow you to specify whether you want to be prompted for the back up name and whether the file is saved as Optimized for CD-ROM.
Optimized for CD-ROM
Prompt for Backup Name
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Optimized for CD-ROM
We recommend using this choice since it more thoroughly checks the book for corruption. You do not want this option, however, when you are preparing your book for a "hard disk" installation.
Prompt for Backup Name
The routine will suggest a backup name, but you can select a different one if you wish. For example, if your file is book1.tbk, the routine will suggest book1^.tbk as the backup file. Note: sometimes low memory or another problem will cause ToolBook to have an error and "crash" during this process. If this happens, restart Windows and open the original file (book1.tbk in our example) since usually it is on the "save as" part that ToolBook has a problem. If there are any error messages upon opening the file, try the backup file.
Caution: Platte Canyon's testing has revealed that clicking on the Cancel button during the first "Save As" portion of the operation can cause a General Protection Fault. Please do not cancel this operation once started.