Book Palette

Access this palette from the Configure Palettes dialog. It may be displayed horizontally or vertically, docked to the main ToolBook window or floating.


The Book palette contains tools for working with the book, including book objects and properties.


Click on the tools below for details.


Generate/BOOK PALETTE1.gif


Palette Tools

Actions - Dump

Actions - Edit Object Actions (Book)

Actions - Validate

Background - Merger

Book - Choose Compact Directory

Book - Compact (Optimized, No prompt)

Book - Generate Report

Book - Name Pages

Book - Name Pages On Background

Command Window Tools

Help button

Hyperlinks - Validate Book Hyperlinks

Navigation Tool

Property Browser (Book)

Property Editor - User (Book)

Property Editor (Book)

Scripts - Export Scripts of Selected Book

Shared Scripts - Edit (Book)

Spelling File - Generate