Background Merger


Access this tool from the Background palette, Page palette, or from a custom palette or custom menu that you have configured with the Background - Merger tool.


Use this tool to merge pages from one background to another background. Multiple backgrounds can come inadvertently when copying pages from another book or even when adding a new page.


To merge one or more pages from a single background, select the "Merge pages of one background onto a different background" radio button, select the from background on the upper right, and then the pages on that background at the bottom right. Select the to background on the left. Then click the "Merge" button.


To merge a page range to a single background, select the "Merge a page range onto a specified background" radio button and then enter the starting and ending page numbers at the upper right. Select the to background on the left. Then click the "Merge" button.


On either of the background selections, you can click its associated "Go To Selected Background" button to go to that background in the main window.


Note: you can collapse this dialog by clicking on the collapse graphic (Generate/collapseBtn.gif) at the top of the screen and then expand it again by clicking the expand graphic (Generate/expandBtn.gif).

