Actions - Copy Actions Between Objects


Access this tool from the CBT palette, Objects palette, Page palette, Properties & Scripts palette, or from a custom palette or custom menu that you have configured with the Actions - Copy Actions Between Objects tool.


Use this tool to copy actions from one object, page, background, or book to an object on the current page/background, to the current page or background, or to the current book. By default, the current page is both the Source and Target. You can select a different source book with the "Change Source Book" button.


You can choose a different page from the drop-down list. In addition, you can move between the selected page, its background, and its book with the radio buttons below the drop-down list. At this point, objects with actions are shown in a selection list. If you have a selected a book and it has shared actions, then <book's shared actions> will show up in this list. Selecting the object will then show its events that have actions defined.


On the right side of the dialog is the target page, background, or book. You can select between them with radio buttons. To copy an action from the source object, select the desired target object from the list and then the desired event with the action. Then click the "Copy Action" button. If you want to verify that the action copied correctly, you can bring up the target object with the new action by clicking the "Edit Object's Action" button. Be sure to save your book after closing this dialog.


Note: you can collapse this dialog by clicking on the collapse graphic (Generate/collapseBtn.gif) at the top of the screen and then expand it again by clicking the expand graphic (Generate/expandBtn.gif).

